Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

Hiking weekend in Gauertal - rain rain rain

It is unbeliveable. 1 week ago it was sunny and more than 38 degrees (C) in the shadow, and when I go hiking? Of course it is raining... This time with the football team. We stayed in the Gauertalhütte for 2 nights, a really nice little hut and especially the food was amazing :). Saturday it cleared up late morning and we hiked till 6pm in heavy rain. Now I know that my softshell jacket stays dry for 2 hours... ;)
I have been in the area (Lindauer Hütte, Rätikon) some years ago. Nice hiking area close to mountains calld "the three towers" at the border Austria-Switzerland.
Sunday it was heavily raining. So we went directly back to the car :(. Not the nicest shots, but a couple are ok.

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